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Welcome to Vibrance Health Coaching

Imagine waking up in the morning feeling excited about the day ahead, really feeling alive, energetic, with that spring in your step.


Sound too good to be true? It isn’t.


The World Health Organisation defines health as “a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.”

What can you do?


A Health Coach works alongside clients to rethink the way that they live and create a new set of lifestyle habits, underpinned by a clear vision for health and wellness. 

Grow Your Vision

"I was feeling tired and run down with energy slumps throughout the day, wanting to make changes but not knowing where to start. Overwhelmed with so much information, not sure what the right way is. I felt demotivated and frustrated. Working with Gina has been fun and encouraging. We’ve been able to talk about more than just food and diet but all aspects of life that impact on health choices and habits. I have gained energy, I have better culinary skills with healthier options, I’m so proud of myself!"

- Shelley

Why Health Coaching?


Perhaps you have resolved to improve your health and fitness and found, like 85% of us, that your motivation wanes after a few weeks. 

It can be difficult to change the way we eat and live our lives, we have so many deeply ingrained habits that can be challenging to break. 


A Health Coach provides support and accountability and works with clients to overcome barriers that have been stopping them in the past. Through this process a Health Coach assists with finding the right health strategy and maintaining motivation to live life optimally. 

​Don't you deserve to feel better?

Book a free 20 min call to find out if Health Coaching is right for you

I was overweight, lethargic, tired, lacking energy and motivation. I knew it had to change, to the stage where I had to do something. Working with Gina has been really good. It’s been very useful because she’s understood what I need, gotten to know me instead of just telling me something theoretical. I’ve understood what I need to do now, instead of just being told what to do. I have achieved weight loss, gained energy, sleep better, can concentrate, am more productive and have a feeling of wellbeing. I feel fantastic about it! I would highly recommend her programmes.

- Rory


021 289 1940

Locations: Silverdale, Orewa, Online

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